World Of Warcraft Shadowlands Fury Warrior DPS Guide » S4 Network
by on 13. November 2021

Welcoming you to This Fury Warrior guide, updated for patch 9.1 Chains of Domination and Shadowlands Season 2! This guide will teach you to master the game of Fury Warrior in all aspects of the game, helping you deal with optimal DPS during Raids and Mythicand Dungeons.

 Throughout this guide, we will cover many different aspects to help you increase you Fury Warrior expertise, including concepts such as Fury Warrior talents and talents builds, Fury Warrior BiS gear selections, Fury Warrior stat priorities and many more aspects of your particular class and. You should also visit other pages in this Fury Warrior guide to find more detailed information on subjects like Covenants, Legendaries, Soulbinds Conduits, Mythic+, and Raids.

 Fury Warriors have a fast-paced style of play that focuses on long-lasting damage instead of a big burst. With just an Rage expenditure ability goal of the rotation is quite simple create enough rage to use Rampage and sustain Enrage and Enrage, though a range of abilities are used along the way. Because every other capability is a resource generator and has a brief or no cooling time, Fury Warriors are always active, without any downtime in waiting around for something to take place. This makes it highly engaging and proves that a particularization isn't necessarily complicated to be enjoyable.

 If you're looking for an overview of how to play a Fury Warrior in Shadowlands, go to our Starter Guide for a short summary on Covenants, Legendaries, Stats and much more!

 Shadowlands Highlights for Fury Warrior

 Shadowlands introduces new expansion-specific features that allow you to customize your character through the use of Covenants and Legendaries. Selecting an Covenant is the largest and most important decision that your character will make in Shadowlands, as the Covenant abilities and Soulbinds can significantly affect the character's gameplay and performance. Shadowlands Legendary Powers grant impactful effects on your character's gameplay with the help of the new Runecarving System. For more details on the Shadowlands Systems, please see our Fury Warrior Covenant Overview and Fury Warrior Legendary Guide.

 It is quite challenging when playing Shadowlands especially when you need optimize your character for a selection of content. Below you'll find some information on how to equip for a Fury Warrior in Season 2 of Shadowlands as well as Best in Slot recommendations.

 As as a Fury Warrior in Shadowlands Season 2

 The idea of jumping into content that is ending game may seem daunting for beginners to Fury Warriors, but we have you covered with guides for a variety of content specifically tailored for Fury Warriors of any item level. No matter if you're hoping to conquer Sanctum of Domination or dive into Mythic+, climb the layers of Torghast or challenge other players in PvP combat We're here to assist regardless of your game's preferences for content.

 What makes Fury Warriors Special?

 Fury Warrior is a melee DPS specialization, you can learn more about all kinds of melee DPSers in our Melee DPS overview.

 Fantasy Fury Warriors are raging warriors who display their battle scars proudly attacking their foes with a relentless flurry of attacks that further fuels their rage , and heals their wounds, keeping their opponents in the battle from start to finish. With heavy plate armor and dual-wielding one-handed or two-handed weapons these beasts are renowned for their battlefield mobility and executing weakened opponents, abandoning consideration for their own wellbeing and be focused on the destruction of their adversaries at all cost in a race to the death. It is the Fury Warriors defining ability is Enrage.

 Sources: Fury Warriors use rage generated through direct attack with auto-attacks and special abilities to power their Acceleration, activate Enrage and significantly boost the speed of their attacks.

 Mobility Fury Warriors have high mobility thanks to Charge and Heroic Leap, they can quickly come up with and engage the enemy.

 AoE Capabilities: Fury Warriors are able to deliver powerful, instantaneous damage through Dragon Roar or Bladestorm, and their Whirlwind allows all single target abilities to strike multiple targets.

 Ability to defend: Fury Warriors specialize in self-healing through Bloodthirst and have a personal defense cooldown that is part of Enraged Regeneration, can trigger Victory Rush whenever they kill an opponent, and can use the cooldown for all of their groups Rallying Cry.

 The Armor Plate: Strong.

 Taste Effects of Flavor: Glyph that burns Anger, Glyph of the Blazing Trail to burst into flames as well as Glyph of Hawk Feast to summon crows.

 Unique appearances: Fury Warriors are unique in that they are able to dual utilize one or two handed weapons, offering the possibility of a variety of choices for transmog, such as the option to wear nearly all Protection or Arms Warrior artifacts.

 This and our Fury Warrior guides are always updated with the most current information from in-game games, simulations and logs. Be sure to review our changelog, which is located on this page by clicking on the View Changelog button at in the upper right corner of this page. If you're looking to find deeper Fury Warrior guides for Patch 9.1 Chains of Domination and Shadowlands Season 2, make sure to browse on the Navigation Bar below, and our list of Related Guides is below the Table of Contents.

 The characters have to be brand new to play Exile's Reach for levels 1-10 , and Battle for Azeroth for levels 1-50. There's no advantage to being able to move into any zones you'd like from levels 1-50. The only advantage is that you'll get out of Exile's Reach with a close to a complete set of Uncommon-quality armor.

 There are advantages inherent to leveling in each expansion However, ultimately it will be up to personal preference. Here are some things to consider:

 The first Azeroth continents Kalimdor and East Kingdoms offer great variety and nostalgic, including many of the stories from the base lore that form the basis of the whole series.

 Burning Crusade has some of the most interesting dungeons from the expansions, offering interesting options and no complex mechanics.

 Wrath of the Lich King is a story told in a linear fashion that forms the background for the future events in Shadowlands.

 Cataclysm is more like an assortment of vignettes every one of five areas presenting an entirely different plot.

 Pandaria's beauty and humor attract those who love a good story as well as the more lighthearted aspect of the story.

 Draenor Introduces Garrison the Garrison, a development built by players with your own choice of buildings. Its tone is overall much darker and grim.

 Legion offers artifacts and Class Halls, which give interesting advancements to your character as a member of the class.

 Battle for Azeroth, as the expansion prior to Shadowlands is a direct tale just prior to Shadowlands and is therefore a good choice for players who are returning from a long hiatus and need to re-discover the lore.

 For levels 50-60, if this is your first time going through Shadowlands it is mandatory to follow the order Bastion > > Maldraxxus Ardenweald > Revendreth For subsequent characters, you'll be able to choose what zone you would like to follow.

 Threads of Fate are the name of a new system added in the Shadowlands expansion. This Threads of Fate system allows players to upgrade their alts via finishing World Quests, Bonus Objectives, investigating the Shadowlands zones in a non-linear way. This system provides you with the chance to get an early start on Covenant progression and gives you early access to rewards like Shadowlands reputations. For more details on the Threads of Fate system, read our detailed guide!

 Shadowlands Warlord Leveling Gameplay Techniques

 Warriors are a force-based melee class with plate-wearing capabilities capable of both high DPS and tanking. They are great for both in-person and group leveling however there are some issues for those who aren't familiar with the class should be aware of prior to going through the course.

 The primary fuel for warriors is called Rage. In contrast to Mana for casters and energy for classes such as the Rogue, Warriors start off without Rage and must get it to a certain level, after which they must investing it in skills that require Rage. They will lose Rage as they get they are out of combat. This could limit the abilities you can utilize to begin your battle. Certain abilities cause Rage, and some others are able to use Rage. At first there are many Warriors are frustrated by this since their character keeps telling you "I'm mad!". However, there are talents that can help you produce more Rage So this technique will become more streamlined over time.

 Warriors have limited self-heals. This is even more complicated due to their ability to heal themselves. Shadowlands has increased the duration of healing potions from 1 minute to five minutes, which means you won't be able to rely on healing potions as much.

 The most important ability to heal yourself is Victory Rush, which heals you for 10 percent of your maximum when you kill a subject within 20 seconds following the killing of a mob. It also gives you experience or honor. If improved by the level 25 talent Impending Victory, it will increase to 30 percent of your maximum health. You must take the decisive blow in order for this to be effective but if someone else receives the fatal blow , for example a group member or an NPC that is nearby- Victory Rush/ Impending Victory will not trigger.

 One of the key ideas I learned from playing Warriors of any spec is the idea of "snacks" -- low-level mobs to maintain the health of players with Victory Rush/ Impending Victory.

 Victory Rush and Impending Victory coupled with AoE spells can frequently end the fight with almost full health, as having more than one enemy is often the case. You'll end up doing more damage via Victory Rush and Impending Victory than mobs can be able to take on collectively. If you have to solo one of the toughest mobs, like one of the elite or rare varieties one, you should take a moment to locate a few lower-level mobs which aren't heavy heavy hitters ("snacks") nearby to get involved with it. This can help keep your health at a high level by getting the additional damage out of your AoE attacks and then using Victory Rush/ Impending Victory to heal yourself whenever the "snack" goes down.

 This works best in situations where you're on your own and sure to land the final hit on your mobs. this method can be misinterpreted by other players or even NPCs taking the final blow, since Victory Rush/ Impending Victory will not activate if this occurs.

 Arms warriors also have the ability of level 35 Second Wind which grants the same amount of health for each 5 seconds that you've not sustained damage. Fury warriors also have the ability level 10 Bloodthirst which replenishes the health of 3% upon use. Also, Protection Warriors have the level 38 ability Last Stand, which increases the health of the warrior by 30% for 15 seconds and heals the warrior for that amount. However, none of these abilities are powerful self-healing capabilities, and it is one of the main weaknesses of the class.

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