Next, switch to the Drag Dagger Next, switch to the Drag Dagger ++),. After that,, use the special. If my target doesn't die, I will go and stock up on items, but if it doesn't. Let me know if you think this is a sensible plan or any other suggestions. I've got 150m.
I managed to pull off a huge move for a novice. Although I have only been playing since January, here is what happened when I was walking through wildy to take out green dragons, I spotted people standing on a platform. I went over and spoke to them. Then, I was teleported.
Before I understood what they meant, they fled. I cannot use the obelsk. I must "activate obelsk" and then walk to the middle of platform. A rev appears and assaults me, so I head east and log out.
I'm down to around 40hp due to Cheap RS Gold the fact that I'm not eating. I'm going to try protect from magic and create a run around lava maze and use my glory at 30 wildy. If the revenant has gone, I could return as that is the fastest method to escape. If I die, it is the fastest route back to my grave since I don't possess Ancient magicks avtivated.