I will enter the mid level crater, equipped with the above » S4 Network
by on 17. November 2021

I will enter the mid level crater, equipped with OSRS Gold the above and this inventory. I will take the ranging potion. When necessary, I will also use the prayer potions. I will make use of the following prayers to protect my Item; Protect from Melee; and Eagle Eye. I will then conduct the bounty search. I will then apply the Dark Bow Special and cast Ice Burst. Then use attack them, with the Dark Bow Special.

Next, switch to the Drag Dagger Next, switch to the Drag Dagger ++),. After that,, use the special. If my target doesn't die, I will go and stock up on items, but if it doesn't. Let me know if you think this is a sensible plan or any other suggestions. I've got 150m.

I managed to pull off a huge move for a novice. Although I have only been playing since January, here is what happened when I was walking through wildy to take out green dragons, I spotted people standing on a platform. I went over and spoke to them. Then, I was teleported.

Before I understood what they meant, they fled. I cannot use the obelsk. I must "activate obelsk" and then walk to the middle of platform. A rev appears and assaults me, so I head east and log out.

I'm down to around 40hp due to Cheap RS Gold the fact that I'm not eating. I'm going to try protect from magic and create a run around lava maze and use my glory at 30 wildy. If the revenant has gone, I could return as that is the fastest method to escape. If I die, it is the fastest route back to my grave since I don't possess Ancient magicks avtivated.

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