If you're playing PlayStation you'll be using the Square button to shoot, whereas Xbox players will press the X button. both consoles will also be able to use their Right Joystick, or better dubbed"the Pro Stick. The most significant difference between these two shooting systems is how accurate each one is. The Pro Stick is going to provide more flexibility as compared to Button shooting but it's also likely to let players be more precise in getting that perfect shot.
If you're new to the game, we recommend trying out Button shooting for the first little while because it will give you an increased chance of success compared to Pro Stick shooting, but veteran players in the 2K series should go with Pro Stick shooting. Pro Stick method instead. The brand new shot meter in NBA 2K22 was added to measure the quality of your shots in the course of a game. In other words, you won't need the capacity of a huge meter to score an exact shot if have two players on your side beyond the three-point line instead of a wide-open mid-range shot.
2K is enticing you to be more savvy when pulling into a shot instead of relying on good shooting capabilities to carry you through the final line. Therefore, while the shot gauge is going to buy mt nba 2k22 look relatively similar to the previous times, the gauge will change based on the aforementioned shooting quality.