Madden NFL 24 announced a settlement » S4 Network
by on 5. July 2024

Madden 24 coins announced a settlement in the spring of 2013. which would put $50 million, less an estimated $8 million in legal fees in a fund for retired players. Settlement funds will be distributed over eight years . The money would go to approved charities that support initiatives for retired players. It would also create an agency for licensing retired players to ideally, generate additional income for the fund.

What works is getting direct money to the former players-Dryer

A variety of prominent former players have spoken out in support of the settlement, including Hall of Fame running back Jim Brown. Jim Brown is the Hall of Fame running back has a board of retired players who would be charged to allocate funds from the settlement.

An federal court from Minnesota approved the settlement plus more than 20.000 former players are given until Aug. 30 to sign the deal or opt-out of the deal. Dryer has urged his colleagues not to sign the agreement.

"They're forcing you to participate in a model of business with the league that would collect money to help former players," Dryer explained. "But these models have proven that they are dry wells."

The plaintiffs also have a problem with what they perceive to be the lack of transparency within the settlement, and also how it would work.

"We don't know the process of coming to come up with the $50 million figure," Dryer said. "The money is put into an account, and the fund provides it with pre-existing charities, and then the charity, miraculously, tries to give the money to players. I am not interested in being working in a sector I'm not sure how.

"What does work is to get money straight to the former player. This is the kind of thing we'd like to see. We'd like to Madden coins for sale know what the revenue source is to come up with a solution for every retired player.

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