Don't confuse this one - it is exactly the opposite of One Defence Pure » S4 Network
by on 27. December 2021

Don't confuse this one - it is exactly the opposite of One Defence Pure. It's also an account that Buy OSRS Gold has an extremely low Combat Stat, but in this case, the player chooses to increase Defence Skill at the cost of other traits. Defense pures were very popular back in the day because they utilized Dragonfire Shield's special attack with venom damage stacks that originate out of Serpentine Helm to deal damage. It was safe for players as they had high Defence as well as Hitpoint levels. Because this method is no more viable as of now, Defence Pures aren't the same as they were.

Maulers, also known as Obsidian Pure, do utilize Tzhaar-ket-om weapon to defeat their foes. The only requirement required to wield this item is 60 strength, they usually use accounts that have both Attack and Defence levels of one. If they do this they can get an even lower level of Combat than One Defence Pure.

Similar to the above group, G Maulers design their stats to be just enough to equip a weapon of their choice. The weapon they choose is called a Granite Maul, which requires 50 Attack and 50 Strength for use. G Maulers generally have lower levels of combat in comparison to One Defence Pure, and often, they are more dangerous because Granite Maul special attack deals instantly with damage. Users who utilize this weapon typically wait for their opponent's levels of health are low enough that they can take them down with just one shot.

It is a particular type of Pure which was not created by simply gaining skills but was a product of finishing Nature Spirit quest. Players who have 13 Defence typically want to complete Recipe for Disaster quest to acquire Adamant Gloves, which provide high Attack and Defense bonuses.

In addition 13 points of Defence allow them to wear Black equipment and wear a Slayer Helmet improving their defensive skills further. This allows them to have more danger in PvP, but also to be more efficient when fighting PvE, which allows them to RS3 Gold main these account and improve their non-combat skills. It's worth noting that 13 Defence Pure usually sacrifices a some levels of Attack in order to get the lowest Combat level.

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