Where To Obtain Cooking Ingredients In New World » S4 Network
by on 12. January 2022

Cooking is a crafting skill performed at a Kitchen or a player’s camp. It is one of the essential trade skills for New World players as it can handle various foods from rations to meals will provide players with their most important items when it comes to healing, taking advantage of lengthy buffs, and even improving your town standing.

However, you can’t cook with an empty kitchen and bare shelves, so if you want to start crafting recipes, you’ll need the proper ingredients to do so. You can find ingredients for cooking items throughout New World. There are four main ways you’ll acquire ingredients: killing and skinning animals, harvesting herbs and bushes, and harvesting fruits and vegetables from farmstands, using New World Coins to buy.

Skinning animals will require just two things, a skinning knife and a dead animal. Harvesting from animals will reward, among other items, meat. These can be tier-one meats like pork or poultry or higher-tier meats like red meat or venison. Fish meat can be acquired by salvaging fish you’ve caught from fishing.

The rest of the ingredients used to craft recipes can be acquired via the gathering skill. Things like nuts, berries, and herbs can be found in the wild. Bigger items like fruits and vegetables can be found throughout various farming landmarks in the world, but you’ll likely have to fight off enemy NPCs to get a chance to gather them. Milk can be gathered from cows at settlements.

Third, you can also find ingredients in provision crates found in different landmarks. You’ll just need to keep opening crates and stockpiles in the hope of them dropping, but there’s no surefire way to guarantee a specific item.

Of course, some might be in a hurry, others might think it’s not worth their time, and some don’t have enough level skill to get. They will go to a Trading Post to buy. Many players usually perceive these items as an opportunity to make some extra new world amazon coins. So players should check the Trading Post from time to time. Maybe you are lucky and will find some at a reasonable price.

Once you have a backpack or storage shed full of ingredients, it’s time to start cooking soon after you will become Aeternum’s master chef!

Post in: Business