Emil-On Education » S4 Network
by on 8. September 2022

That's the way it is, and we've explained why it's the way it is. Some people say that women are hypocritical. It was later that they became so hypocritical. God has given them skill, not hypocrisy. As far as the real tendency of women is concerned, even when they are lying, they have no intention of being hypocritical to others. Since it is not their mouth that expresses their inner thoughts, why do you take what they say so seriously? Look at their eyes, look at their faces, look at their breathing, and look at the way they are shy and half-pushed, which is the language that nature has told them to express to you. They always say "no" verbally, and can only say "no", but when they say the word "no", their tone is not always the same, this tone is not the slightest bit false. Women have the same needs as men,Alumina Ceramic C795, but where do they have the right to show that they have the same needs? Even if their wishes are reasonable, if they have no other way to express what they dare not say, their fate will be very tragic. Is it necessary to make a pitiful appearance to behave properly? Should they not express their wishes in an ingenious way without revealing them publicly? How skillful they need to be to make men see their eagerness to pour out! How hard they have to learn to impress men on the one hand and appear to be indifferent to them on the other! What a charming thing the apples of Galatia had said for her, as she ran away so clumsily! What else does she want to add? The shepherd was chasing her in the willows. Should she tell him that she was running away on purpose in order to seduce him into chasing her? We can say that she is duplicitous because she did not tell him that she was seducing him. The more reserved a woman is, the more skillful she is,cordierite c520, even to her husband. Yes, I think coquetry, if it does not exceed the limit of coquetry, is a kind of quiet and true performance, which is in line with the law of proper behavior. Among those who oppose me, there is a man who says that morality is a whole, which is very well said; we cannot divide it into two parts, recognize one part and abandon the other. If you love it, you must love it completely; for those feelings you should not have, if possible, Ceramic Band Heater ,Ceramic Core Immersion Heaters, they must be excluded from your heart, and never mention them at any time. Moral truths are not things that exist, but things that are good; things that are bad should not exist, much less should they be recognized by us, especially when we can make them have the effect they should not have by recognizing them. If I am tempted by something to steal, and if I speak of this intention, and thereby tempt another person to be my accomplice, then when I seduce him, does it not mean that I have first yielded to the temptation of things? Why do you say that the shy look of a woman is a sign of hypocrisy? Can it be said that a woman who has lost her sense of shame is more sincere than a shy woman? No, such a woman is a thousand times more hypocritical than other women. The reason why they are so depraved is that they are infected with all kinds of bad habits, do not change their bad habits, and do some sneaky things to make them more and more harmful to people. On the other hand, those women who are still ashamed, who are not proud of their shortcomings, who hide their wishes even from those who love them, and whose men have to go through great difficulties to get her favor, are the most sincere and faithful to their promises, and the most trusted people in general. As far as I know, only de? Miss Lancelot is the exception. It doesn't fit the above situation, this De? Miss Lancelot was regarded as a remarkable person. 。 It is said that she despises women's morality and does everything according to our men's morality. She was praised for her frankness, her reliable companionship, and her faithful friend; and, finally, in order to describe her as an honourable person, it was said that she had become a man. Wonderful. But, in spite of her reputation, I would no more like to have such a man as my friend than I would like to have her as my lover. On the surface, what I have said above seems to have nothing to do with us, but in fact it has a lot to do with us. I have seen the result of modern philosophy when it makes female shame and so-called hypocrisy the stuff of ridicule; and I have found it certain that what little honor women have in our time will be utterly lost. On the basis of the above, I think we can generally determine what kind of education women are suitable for and what problems they should think about from their youth. I have already said that women's obligations are easy on the surface, but in fact they are very difficult to fulfill. They should first realize that those obligations are good for them, so that they can feel good about taking on those obligations, which is the only way to make it easy for them to fulfill those obligations. A woman of every status and age has her obligations. As long as she is willing to undertake,ceramic sandblasting nozzles, she can quickly realize what obligations she has. You must respect the position of your woman, and you must always be a good woman, no matter what kind of person God has given you. It was important to live according to nature's plan; women could very easily become what men liked. global-ceramics.com

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