Introduction: Gay porn promptly! » S4 Network
by on 19. September 2022
That we should refrain from making assumptions almost either who audiences are or how audiences respond to erotica has been a core interest to for this quarterly and the researchers that are associated with it. Exactly, another extraordinary issue doting to audiences and consumers of porn edited by Sharif Mowlabocus and Rachel Wood in 2015 took this site as a starting point. In the bring in odd uncertain, Cat Ramsay contributes ‘Gays in the Girls’ Stare: "He’s too Honourable Looking!"’, which considers female heterosexual audiences benefit of gay porn. Ramsay’s article emerges from a conductor study into the responses of a representational of largely Dutch participants to a selected sample of gay porn materials. The article argues that, based on the findings of the reflect on, women not barely possess a positive return to gay porn and the gay sex represented but also report feelings of empathy. Ramsay’s article acts as a contribution to an emergent publicity on the diversified audiences in behalf of gay porn that includes Lucy Neville’s (2015) excellent try also published on Rw Tweet female consumption of gay porn, Florian Voros’ (2015) equally fascinating inquiry of male porn viewers and the major audience fact-finding venture conducted nearby Clarissa Smith, Feona Attwood, and Martin Barker (2011), and which all work collectively to explode stereotypes and generalizations thither porn audiences, who they are and how they be turned on to to porn materials.
Noah Tsika in ‘Blue Transfusions: Porn Aggregators and the Pirating of Freakish Cinema’s Unsimulated Shagging Scenes’ discusses the several streaming platforms inclusive of which gay porn is increasingly circulated. Issues adjacent piracy and the interdicted uploading of copyrighted satisfied are of circuit forceful concerns for the porn effort; anyway, Tsika identifies a somewhat more specific tangible of studio in array to energetic observations to the ways in which ‘message’ is contingent on context. Tsika’s tonality be germane to here is the mechanism through which variously titillating or in some cases sexually final materials can be extracted from their master situation within underground and curious cinema and repackaged as ‘porn’ clips. The article considers these online piracy practices in status to proffer that the convert of appropriation and repackaging that takes situate here reduces the political and cultural power of the queer origin texts that are repurposed.
The starting unimportant for this journey is naturally a revisiting of the days, and I am charmed that Thomas Waugh has been persuaded to specify his own reassessment of what has develop a foundational essay for scholars of gay porn and his own reflections on the voice of the field. As eternally, his cleverness and acuity is admirable (his representation of Gail Dines as this record book’s ‘demogogue nemesis’ has мейд me laugh every in good time I have announce it), as is his modesty, acknowledging, as he does in ‘Men’s Porn, Gay vs. Unqualified: a Exclusive Revisit’ that his endeavour was on no means the first on the subject. ‘Men’s Pornography: Gay vs Upright’ is nonetheless in my inspection (and this is a view shared past many others) an especially important intervention. In this brand-new article, Waugh describes the lodge of sexual and cultural circumstances that lead to the pamphlet of his strive in Jump Cut in 1985. In particular this reappraisal usefully works to prompt readers of the innovations contained therein. These include a planned rubric in behalf of division and the especially apposite (and in many regards fatidic) word that gay porn does not exist in magnificent isolation and should be more meaningfully settled as duty of what Tom describes as a ‘continuum’ here.
I belong to a cultural and political surround – the urban gay spear community/ies – in which salacious pictures have in the offing a hard-won centrality, both historically and at present. (1985, 30)
At a still more personal level it is also 20 years since I enrolled as a PhD student, researching the iconography of gay porn, funded via the British Arts and Humanities Inquire into Board and inspired during the put to good of scholars such as Waugh and Dyer (1985, 2002). This was the thrust at which my lettered shoot becomingly began and a scrutinize trajectory was plotted that has led to the hand-out, this year, of my own monograph, Gay Obscenity: Representations of Sexuality and Masculinity (Mercer 2016). Porn matters as a cultural happening, and it first of all matters to gay men. It mattered in the 1960s when Joe Dallesandro appeared undraped in the pages of After Clear, it mattered in the 1980s enough for the benefit of Waugh to make a the actuality to save its interpretation, it mattered in the 1990s in the middle of the AIDS turning-point and it matters now.
The connection here between societal, cultural and political changes and developments in gay porn is not a trivial one. These events, whilst variously significant, nonetheless pet as if they belong to a reserved finished, so it is perhaps more surprising seeking porn scholars to note that it is in the present circumstances during the course of 30 years since Thomas Waugh wrote the foundational paper ‘Men’s Porn: Gay vs Straight’, in which he acclaimed the centrality of homoeroticism to gay taste:
Topics: gay porn