What Are the easiest Mounts to Get in WoW? » S4 Network
by on 18. September 2021

 If you're looking for new mounts to your collection, then we have your back! There are many mounts available in World of Warcraft, but some are time-intensive to obtain, no anymore available, or extremely costly. There isn't a need for a ton of WoW Gold and don't want to spend hours grinding mounts however, you can grow your collection by getting some of the hardest to acquire mounts in WoW. Let's get started.

 Flying Carpet Mount

 This mount was introduced during the Wrath of the Lich King Expansion. It is quite unique, with only one or two flying carpet mounts available in the game. You must be at least level 60 for the mount. The mount is required to be 300 in the art of tailoring. It is fairly easy to obtain as a Tailor. You can sell the item through the Auction House if it is not in use or if you have surplus.

 Heirloom Mounts

 You can get the Heirloom Hoader achievement for both Horde and Alliance players in order to earn the ChauffeuredChopper heirloom mounted. This achievement requires that you have 35 heirloom items on your account. It's easy to achieve as you can buy heirlooms for reasonable prices and you may already have them in your inventory if you're an experienced player who enjoys increasing your alts. The Chauffeured Chopper mount is a standout with a great aesthetic and some interesting advantages in comparison to other mounts. It's possible to ride it without any riding skills, which is great to level up alts. Additionally, it lets you traverse mobs and not be reduced when you're attacked, another major bonus to level. The only downside to the mount is that it only has a the maximum speed of 60 mph, which is slow and becomes frustrating at higher levels.

 Vashj'ir Seahorse

 This mount can be obtained through searching in the Vashjir area's underwater zone the Eastern Kingdoms Cataclysm zone. The mount is available as a quest reward from The Abyssal Ride quest and increases the speed of swimming by 450%. It's very simple to acquire the mount, as it is likely to be found within the area of the quest there. It is regarded as "the most useless mount" by some players due to the fact that it is limited to specific areas. It's an underwater mount so you would think it can be used anyplace in the water. Vashj'ir is the only location it is possible to use this mount. This isn't ideal, but if you're just looking for a cool mount to add to your collection , and are free, then this mount is an excellent choice.

 Marks of Honor PvP Mounts

 You can purchase Marks of Honor to buy PvP mounts that can be used for either Horde or Alliance. There are seven PvP mounts per faction. If you are a player of both Alliance and Horde you will have 14 options. The mounts are simple to obtain because they are available by collecting Marks of Honor through a range of PvP-related activities. Some of these activities are enjoyable and casual, while others need no effort. It is also not necessary to make use of any WoW Gold to buy the mount, or go through long quest chains or tackle a tricky raid encounter. These mounts are easy to acquire if you enjoy PvP.

 Reins of The Twilight Drake

 This mount is a dragonet flying that drops from Sartharion (The Onyx Guardian) in The Obsidium Sanctum. The Obsidium Sanctum, a raid instance with a level of 80-83 Wrath of the Lich King found in the Dragonblight zone, is the 80-83 level. Sartharion is the boss of the raid, can be found by simply following the route to the raid's location. Sartharion is easy to take down for any player who is or close to the maximum level player and has a 75% chance to give you the Reins of The Twilight Drake mount. If you don't get the mount drop in your first run then you'll likely receive it on the second.

 Darkwater Skate

 The Darkmoon Faire is the only occasion when this mount is available. Once the event is over it's easy to buy the mount. It is an amazing mount to add to your collection. You buy the mount at a seller at the Darkmoon Faire, called Galissa Sundew with a price of 500 Darkmoon Daggermaw squid. If you're looking for a way to get 500 Darkmoon Daggermaw fish It's very easy. The fish can be obtained by fishing in the vicinity of Darkmoon Island. The water is well-stocked with Darkmoon Daggermaw fish so it shouldn’t take too much time. There are also a few places in Azeroth that you can farm the fish, such as Frostwall, Drustvar, Nagrand and other zones. Alternatively, you can buy the fish from the Auction House, although this is only an option if you have plenty of WoW Gold as the fish are extremely expensive. This mount can't be used in water environments, but it is useful for those occasions when they are required.

 Marsh Hopper Mounts

 The Marsh Hopper mount is commonly known as the "frog mount". It is easy to acquire since they don't need reputation grinding or quests. All you have to do to obtain them is gold. The mounts are easy to obtain but the cost is prohibitive for some gamers. Each mount costs 33,333 World of Warcraft Gold, roughly one million WoW gold. It's not worth purchasing all three Marsh Hopper mounts. They are the same mount however they are in different colors. If you own the Gold, pick your favorite color and get just one mount. The mount is available at Gottum which is a store located southwest of Krag'was Burrow. The mounts, offered in three colors and are extremely rare. According to Wowhead the site, just 33% of profiles are equipped with the Green Marsh Hopper, 2% of profiles have the Blue Marsh Hopper, and only 1percent of profiles feature the Yellow Marsh Hopper. These mounts are easy to acquire, but they will make you stand out from the crowd in your capital city of your faction.

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Topics: wow mounts