Where is the collection value of brand-name bags? » S4 Network
by on 13. January 2019


In December 2018, a handbag belonging to Mrs. Thatcher was auctioned in London. It is not uncommon for a luxury goods bag to be auctioned between 2000 and 3,000 pounds. It is not uncommon for Chinese people to grab brand-name bags, but the brand name is not new. Is there any collection value in the package? Collection value, etc. is not equivalent to value-added value? What do you need to pay attention to in the Replica Luxury Bag collection?

Today, the topic we are discussing is the collection of luxury brand names. White-collar Chinese-style second-hand brand-name bags "Because they often go abroad, they will buy some brand-name bags." Ms. Wang said that she often buys a lot of products that are updated quickly, especially brand-name bags. Because it is really much to buy, so after a while she will take it out and sell some. Ms. Wang recalled that from last year to this year, she sold a total of 6 bags of LV and Gucci brands, sold the old models and bought new ones, so that there were some stickers and empty the wardrobe. Mr. Chen opened a luxury care store in the north urban area. The store not only helps with the care, but also sells some used brand bags. "The main reason is that young white-collar workers in nearby office buildings can buy. Compared with the new package, the price of second-hand bags is much cheaper and it is not easy to have fakes." As for the second-hand brand bags, it will be more expensive than the new ones, Mr. Chen said. I haven't encountered it yet.

Unless it is a limited edition big-name bag, but usually the limited edition bag, the owner will not come out to sell. Does the Fake New Luxury Handbags have value and appreciation? Some limited edition big-name bags do have the potential for appreciation, but they are very rare, and some have to give some celebrity value. It can be said that 95% of luxury bags are still consumables. According to Baghunter, a foreign luxury online retail platform, the S&P 500 index and gold have risen each year, but the annual average value of Replica Hermes Handbags Platinum has increased by 14.2%.

For the collection of luxury brand bags, it should be reminded that, first of all, the risk of brand-name bags lies in the identification of true and false, and only limited edition bags or bags with special commemorative value can be preserved and value-added, and some brands are not excluded. For the marketing of pseudo-limited models and fake commemorative models. Therefore, it is best to get the guidance of professionals in such a collection.


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