Runescape 3 Mining Training Guide » S4 Network
by on 21. July 2022

 Mining is often considered as one of the most difficult abilities to master in RuneScape. This is because the rate of learning is less than the average for other skills and there's the fundamental issue that you cannot use money to assist in your training. This guide will cover the numerous methods to mine, from making money to learning at the highest rate of experience. When you hover over the names of certain items will provide basic information about that item including its current market price, and clicking on its name will open our Item Database entry for the item. A complete list of the pickaxes that are available in general and their respective price is available here"> > and the complete list of prices for the minerals discussed throughout this guide is available at">.

 Fast Experience

 This guide will show you how you can get the highest rate of experience in the game for both free-players and members alike and where the best mining zones are to gain experience for the given circumstances. This guide will meet the needs of any onlooking miner of any level trying to find the best method to gain experience. None of the formulas throughout this guide will take into account the possibility of being completed with any quest, with the exception of "must-be-finished" requirements. Note that the formulas in this guide will not take into account making use of the "Sacred Clay" Pickaxe therefore if you plan to use this tool, you must reduce the number given. The information on the Sacred Clay Pickaxe can be found in the sections later on. If you finish any quest that grants mining knowledge when following this guide the formulas are incorrect to a certain extent. To get more accurate calculations that are specifically tailored to your requirements, please check out this Mining Calculator. If you become bored with training your Mining for fast experience You can relax or learn other abilities or study regarding your Mining Guide and go hunt out for different rocks to mine. Make sure that when you reach 60 Mining you'll be able to gain an access point to Mining Guild.



 Levels 1-15

 To begin the process of building your way up the ranks you will first require the most important tool: the pickaxe. You should automatically have the bronze pickaxe in your toolbelt. If you wish to obtain a pickaxe of higher quality, you can either buy an item from Nurmof's Pickaxe Shop in the Dwarven Mines or purchase one at the Grand Exchange, located north of the bank with the westernmost location in Varrock. Utilizing an iron or bronze pickaxe Bronze or Iron Pickaxe is not subject to any specific requirements regarding the level of attack. The use of a pickaxe is typically utilized to free up space to store additional ore but you can also add the tool belt to the pickaxe.


 Once you've got your preferred pickaxe, make your way to the eastern mining area located in Lumbridge Swamp where you can start exploring for Copper Ore and Tin Ore. If you would like to utilize the ores later on to use in Smithing or just sell them for money they can be stored in the bank of Al Kharid, by crossing the bridge to the east. If banking the ores seems to be too much of hassle , simply place them in the ground while you are mining, to increase the amount of success you gain by a tiny amount. Dropping your ores in order to save space so that you can continue to mine is called "dropmining". When you employ"dropmining" or the "dropmining" method means that you do not have to think about where you are because you're dropping the ores you mine. To drop the ores efficiently when you mine then you must place the ore you plan to drop on your ability bar. Then, spam click the button to drop. Dropping a full inventory should take less than two seconds. Other mining locations to look into if "dropmining" in the event that the place you're in is too packed include: Dwarven Mines, Rimmington, Barbarian Village, Varrock, Edgeville Dungeon, or the Al Kharid mining areas. Here is a picture for the bank route if you are planning to bank your ores from the mining area at Eastern Lumbridge Swamp or from the Varrock eastern mine:

 Once you have reached level 6 Mining , it is possible to can make use of a Steel Pickaxe that is something worth looking into in the event that you have the funds available. To get to Level 6 Mining from 1you have to mine 30 copper Ore and Tin Ore. This will bring you to 525 hours of experience. To be able to use a Steel Pickaxe, you to be at an Attack degree of twenty. A steel pickaxe may be added to the toolbelt.


 In order to get 15 Mining from level 6 you will be required to mine more than 108 Copper Ore or Tin Ore. You can also mine a combination of the Ores to suit your needs. It is possible to earn 245 experience if you have mined exactly 108 of an amalgamation of Copper Ore or Tin Ore.


 Levels 15-99

 Once you have reached the level 15 of Mining, you'll have the capability of mining Iron Ore. Mining Iron Ore gives the fastest rates of experience for free-players, which allows up to around 35,000 experience per hour. When you begin exploring Iron Ore, you will first be able to identify the locations on where you can get your Iron Ore based the desired impact. If you are planning to bank the proceeds of your Iron Ore at the Dwarven Mines is the best location to be in when you use the bank at Falador as well as the nearby resource dungeon (requires Level 15 Dungeoneering) however be aware of the scorpions there in case you don't have a combat level of at minimum 65. You can also explore for Iron Ore at the eastern or western Varrock mines and use the closest bank if the Dwarven Mines are becoming busy or if your can't bear the thought of scorpions attacking you because you do not possess an appropriate level of combat so that they don't act aggressively towards you. The banking of Iron Ore gives you a acceptable income, but can hinder the amount of experience you'll receive. That's why many abandon their iron ore for the purpose of gaining a higher experience rate, which is called "dropmining". In the case of "dropmining" Iron Ore, any place is fine so long as you're free of any monsters that might attack you due to a lower combat level, like the mines in Rimmington, Varrock, Dwarven Mines, Edgeville Dungeon, or Al Kharid. Here are a few options for bankers who want to invest their iron Ore coming from Varrock east mine or in the Varrock west mine and in Dwarven Mines. Dwarven Mines entrance:

 To attain level 21 Mining from level 15 and to be able to use a Mithril Pickaxe To be able to use it, you need to mine 75 Iron Ore. From mining 75 Iron Ore at 2,415 experience the experience will be 5,040. To wield a Mithril Pickaxe the attack level must be at minimum 30.


 When you reach level 31 Mining, will be able to utilize an Adamant Pickaxe for mining purposes. To reach Level 31 Mining, which is at level 21, you will need to mine 280 Iron Ore and you should increase your mining experience up to 14,840. If you wish to use an Adamant Pickaxe you must have an attack level of at least 40.

 The only pickaxe you'll ever be able to use as a free-player includes the Rune-style Pickaxe. In order to use it, the Rune Pickaxe requires level 41 Mining to use. To attain level 41 Mining you must collect 753 Iron Ore that will result in your experience count being 41,195. The use of a Rune Pickaxe needs an Attack level of at least 50.

 Now that you have the top pickaxe available to you, it's up to you to decide whether to bank or drop it. Iron Ore that you mine. Keep in mind the potential losses you'll incur in the end if you decide to "dropmine" it. Getting to level 99 from level 41 will require you to mine 371,236 Iron Ore. To record the time it will take you, calculate how many Iron Ore you can get in an hour . Then, multiply that number by the number of hours you usually play per day. Divide that number by 371,236 and you'll be able to determine the number of days of mining is needed to get to the highest Mining level of the game.



 Wilderness Warbands

 One alternative method for training mining in members which does not require mining at all is looting warband camps out in the wild. This is a risky activity but it is also a lot of fun. Go through the Wilderness Warbands guide for more details.


 Levels 1-15

 For a start, you can use your bronze pickaxe to attach it to your toolbelt. Utilizing a Bronze as well as an Iron Pickaxe does not require any Attack level requirements. Wielding a pickaxe is generally employed to make space for additional ore. It is possible to mining Copper Ore and Tin Ore and then either deposit the ores or simply drop them off. Dropping your ores to continue mining is usually known as "dropmining" also known as "powermining". For a successful drop you must place it on your ability bar and press the drop button whenever needed. If you wish to obtain the highest quality pickaxe than bronze, you can either purchase one at Nurmof's Shop in the Dwarven Mines or you can purchase one from the Grand Exchange located north of the western-most bank in Varrock. If you decide to deposit your ores , either to sell or use later for Smithing and other uses, make use of the bank on the third floor of Lumbridge Castle. However dropping the ores so that you get a better rate of experience may be more to your liking. If you're "dropmining" in the future, here are some places to take into consideration: Dwarven Mines, Rimmington, Barbarian Village, Varrock, Al Kharid, Edgeville Dungeon, west of Falador (requires Level 5 Agility), Port Khazard, and south of West Ardougne. Below are maps of some areas where you can bank your ores:

 You are able to use a steel Pickaxe once you've reached level 6 Mining. It is worth considering if you have the cash available. To be able to attain the level of 6 Mining at level 1you must mine 30 Copper Ore or Tin Ore. It will result in 525 experience. Wielding a Steel Pickaxe requires that you have an Attack level of 20.


 To obtain Level 15 Mining at level 6, you will need to mine at least 108 Copper Ore or Tin Ore in any combination you'd like. You should end up with 2,415 points of experience if you extracted exactly 108 of a combination of either Copper Ore or Tin Ore.


 Levels 15-35

 Once you have reached level 15 Mining The time is now to start mining some Iron Ore. If you are looking to make a profit from this Iron Ore that you mine there are several good places to start: Dwarven Mines, Varrock West of Falador (requires level 5 Agility), South of Port Khazard. Banking Iron Ore gives a reasonable income, but will reduce your amount of adventure you will get in a certain amount of time. Here are photos of the bank routes in the following areas in chronological order (you can also bank in the Living Rock Cavern through the Dwarven Mines, but beware of the high-leveled monsters that dwell within):


 If you're looking for a quicker performance, you can reduce the ores you mine to keep mining, which is often referred to as "dropmining". If you're planning on "dropmining" the game can utilize these mining zones: Rimmington, Edgeville Dungeon, Al Kharid, Rellekka North-East of East Ardougne and south of the East Ardougne zoo.

 Once you have reached level 21 Mining after level 15 you are able to use the Mithril Pickaxe. You must have harvested 75 Iron Ore to reach level 21 Mining. When you have mined 75 Iron Ore, your experience should be 5,040. If you want to wield a Mithril Pickaxe, your Attack level should be at least 30. You can also include the pickaxe in your toolbelt.

 Once you have reached 31 Mining, you'll be granted the capability of using an Adamant Pickaxe to mine. For Level 31 Mining, which is the equivalent of level 21, you are required to mine 280 Iron Ore and bring your experience to 14,840. If you are planning to carry an Adamant Pickaxe, you must be able to attack at 40 or more. Additionally, you could include this pickaxe in your toolbelt.

 For you to attain 35 Mining by level 31, you'll have for you to produce 217 Iron Ore. This will increase your experience to a value of 22,435.


 Levels 35-68+ Sandstone and Granite

 It's where things get more complex, however your rate of experience is significantly more high. You now have the ability to "dropmine" Sandstone at the Quarry south of the Desert Bandit Camp. "Dropmining" is an expression used to describe the action of mining ores and dropping them for a faster experience rate than bank your ore. To drop your rocks, put your items that you want to drop on your ability bar , and then using the drop button whenever necessary. In the event of emptying an entire inventory, it will not take more than 2 seconds. If you're not a fan of dropping your ores, then you could use the signs to help that porter (refer to the Divination manual). When mining Sandstone is suggested to carry Desert Robes, full Waterskins as well as a method of transporting yourself in the event that something should go wrong. Desert Robes and Waterskins are offered by Shantay located next to Shantay Pass. Shantay Pass south of Al Kharid. The most effective teleportation methods include: a charged Amulet of Glory, a Ring of Dueling, or the Lumbridge Teleport Tablet. Teleporting is commonly used to get back to the city to replenish your Waterskins. If you're a level 68 player in Magic and other requirements, it is possible to apply the Humidify magic spell from the Lunar spellbook after completing the Dream Mentor Quest, which instantly refills all the Waterskins in your inventory . It requires one Astral 3 Water and 1 3 Water and 1 Fire Rune to perform. Another option is the Enchanted Water Tiara from the Dealing With Scabaras Quest. This tiara is an Waterskin at the cost of 3 water Runes per transaction and require you to have a the level 50 Magic or Runecrafting to make it, along with other requirements to complete the quest. It is also possible to use Frost's tome (from the dungeoneering skill) as well as a bunyip to bring back the life points. To reach the Quarry You will first require your equipment with you. Once you've got them then, enter the gate and take an excursion on a carpet, and choose your destination to head towards the Bedabin Camp for 200 gold pieces. When you arrive at the Bedabin Camp, make your route to the Quarry on foot, following the following map:

 You are also able to teleport directly the Quarry using an amulet. Camulet that you find in the Enakhra's Leap Quest. The amulet comes with 4 charges and in order to recharge the Camulet you will need Ugthanki Dung, which is found by Ali the Camel Man's home located in Pollnivneach. When you have reached level 45 Mining, you can switch on mining Granite. Granite gives the fastest experience in the game , with around 60,000 points per hour. Granite is located in the same area as Sandstone.


 If you're not able to meet these standards, then you should stick to mining Iron Ore. Mining Iron Ore is discussed in a previous section.

 This is the Rune Pickaxe that requires the level 41 Mining requirement to make use of. To be able to reach level 41 Mining at level 35, you will need to mine between 196 to 392 pieces of Sandstone in accordance with the size of the chunks you mine. If you are mining Iron Ore from 35 Mining it is required to have at least 536 Iron Ore. Using either method can bring your experience up to an amount of 41,195. Achieving this feat with a Rune Pickaxe requires an Attack level of at least 40. Wielding a pickaxe is generally utilized to make space to store additional ore.

 The most efficient pickaxe in the game for members includes the Dragon Pickaxe, which requires level 61 mining to make use of. The Dragon Pickaxe is between 10 and 15% better that the Rune Pickaxe. In order to get to level 61 Mining at level 41, you'll need to mine anywhere from 8,704 to 4,352 pieces of Sandstone based on the size of the chunks mined. If you are working on mining Iron Ore from 41 Mining You will need to have extracted 7,460 Iron Ore. Utilizing either of these strategies will bring your experience to the equivalent of around 302,295. The use of a Dragon Pickaxe will require an attack level that is at least 60. Pickaxes are typically utilized to free up space to store more ore. This particular pickaxe comes with a special attack called "Shock" that completely drains the Special Attack Energy Bar and increases your maximum hit while draining your opponent's Attack, Ranged, and Magic levels by 5%, though it's slower than regular attacks. In contrast to other pickaxes, you have to get it from a player, as well as by killing the creature that drop it, such as the Chaos Dwogres (level 117), Chaos Dwarf Hand Cannoneers (level 100) and those of the Chaos Dwarves (level 48). To get these monsters you must have completed the Forgiveness part of the Chaos Dwarf Quest.

 This pickaxe is referred to as the Inferno Adze. It requires Level 41 Mining as well as level firemaking in order to be used and is the same speed for mining as the Rune Pickaxe. One difference that is evident between this one as opposed to the Rune Pickaxe is that this one can also be being utilized as a Woodcutting axe. To acquire the Inferno Adze, you must to complete this All Fired Up Activity. This pickaxe has no Attack prerequisites to use. It cannot be put on the toolbelt.

 The Sacred Clay Pickaxe it is acquired via it's Stealing Creation Activity. It requires level 40 mining to use and is exactly the same as The Rune Pickaxe. This pickaxe doubles the quality of the experience per ore mined, however it is not as durable as the other pickaxes . It will crumble to dust after a certain number of usages. There is also another Volatile model of this pickaxe, though the shape that it takes is completely random and changes every so often. It is said that the Volatile Clay Pickaxe yields slightly better experience than that of the Sacred form, but is not as popular due to its random transformation. These pickaxes don't have any attack requirements to wield. The Sacred Clay Pickaxe is not able to be added to the tool belt.

 If you want to achieve 99 Mining exclusively from granite, then you're in for a lengthy ride. To go from level 61 Mining to level 99 through Granite will require you to mine between 254,643 to 169,762 pieces of Granite according to the size of the chunks mined. If you're stuck in mining Iron Ore, then you must have harvested at least 363,776 Iron Ore to reach level 99 Mining. If at some point during your Mining career , you have the ability to mine Granite as opposed to Iron Ore, then this number is inaccurate. There are many other ways to mine it.


 Niveau 68-77 Lava Flow Mine

 If you have completed The King of the Dwarves Quest you are able to enter Lava Flow Mine. Lava Flow mine in East Keldagrim at the level mining at 68. The Lava Flow Mine is not better experience than granite and has only 30-40k of in XP every hour. But, it's AFKable, your inventory won't be filled up with ore that you can drop, and it can also provide you with the Golden Mining outfit. It is the Golden Mining outfit grants you an additional 1% mining experience for each piece, and gives the player an extra 1% of the whole set, giving you 6% extra experience for the whole set. The entire set may take a while and it is largely dependent on luck. The Nymph who grants you the pieces will appear in random intervals. In general, it can take around 10 hours to get the whole set. Once you've got all five parts of the mining suit, the golden nymph will also make your pickaxe gilded.


 Once you've completed Birthright of the Dwarves, you will also be able to access the random event of lava geysers. To complete this random event, cool off the geysers using water, or ice spells. You can then extract them. From this you can gain the four Imcando Pickaxe pieces. If you've got the four pieces, you can take the pieces, a gilded dragon pickaxe and one million gold pieces, and a redberry pie to Thurgo near Mudskipper Point, who will provide you with an Imcando Pickaxe. Thurgo will take a gilded Dragon Pickaxe from the tool belt. The Imcando Pickaxe does not have the ability to be added to the toolbelt. This Imcando Pickaxe is not faster than the Dragon Pickaxe but will incinerate 25 percent of the ores you mine, giving you an experience in smithing. The Imcando Pickaxe can be transformed to give you 20% extra experience however it has only 100 charges before you'll need to recharge it with an lava geyser.

 To figure out which strip you should mine in the Lava Flow Mine, you need to look up the steam gauges in the mine. The lower the  percentage flow is, the better mining experience you will get. You should aim for 50 percent flow. To help you achieve this make sure to check out World 71, the official Lava Flow Mine world. This will allow you to find the best mining strips, as well as people to socialize with.


 Level 77-89: Living Rock Caverns

 At the level of 77, you will be able to gain access to Level 77 is the access point to the Living Rock Cavern in the north part of Falador Dwarven Mines. At level 80 where you'll need to mine the concentrated coal deposits. If you mine from a concentrated vein, there is the chance of mining two ore per swing. Once you are high enough, you can find the gold deposits that are concentrated. There is a place in which you can deposit your ores near the entry point however, it's faster to drop the ores (using the ability bar method) and make the money through other methods. If you do wish to bank your ores you need to follow the rules of the porter to learn from the Divination guide.


 The living rock caverns are an extremely dangerous place populated by (you guessed it) live rock animals. Although they're not very sturdy, they'll become irritating after a while and could result in you having to borrow food. To deal with this take a trip the World 84, the Living Rock Caverns world. There are many other miners and anyone who has had to go through their freshman year of high school is aware that safety is in numbers. You can also try the quick hopping method. Find the southernmost gold deposit and find the tiny area that within which living creatures can't attack you. Next, extract the gold deposit . Once it is depleted, hop around until you come across another.

 Inside the Living Rock Caverns, you are able to superheat the gold ore that you collect while wearing goldsmith gloves (from Family Crest). This will let you train Mining, Smithing, and Magic all at once.


 Level 89-99: Seren Stones

 When you reach level 89 you should consider moving toward Seren stones. The issue with Seren Stones is that this method requires a significant amount of quests, as well as other skills. You need to complete Plague's End (and it's requirements such as"Mourning's Ends: Part 2"), which in turn will require ten skills of level 75. Nevertheless, if you plan to go for level 99 mining or beyond it is essential to meet the requirements to access this method of training, since it's by far the most effective training method available in the game. The experience here is around 120-140k xp an hour without Seren's voice. Seren and about 175k xp an hour when using the voice of Seren. It's also much more AFKable than Living Rock Caverns because the ore you collect is stored in your inventory, and there is no need to bank or drop your ores at all. The ore you receive, corrupted ore, will provide 150 or 180 smithing XP when smelted according to whether the voice of Seren is shining through the Trahaearn section. So this is method will also give you some smithing experience.

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Topics: rs3 mining