Divorce is a highly stressful period in anyone's life. Along with the emotional turbulence of the family separating, there are also several legal challenges like child custody, alimony, and property division to be resolved. Most divorce cases end up in court because the spouses can't resolve their differences on their own. But there's another way if the parties can't attain a common resolution. Hiring a third-party mediator who can facilitate negotiations between them can lead to a speedy and amicable resolution of divorce.
Our Orange County divorce mediation attorneys offer an unbiased perspective and provide control to both parties over the outcome of their divorce. Our trained mediators can provide reasonable counsel and resolve one dispute after another to finalize a settlement agreement that's mutually beneficial to both parties.
Mediation Services in OC
Our mediators provide great value in any divorce proceedings. We're well-versed with the legal framework that affects divorce in California. We provide top-notch legal solutions to ascertain the best interests of both parties. Our attorneys help them envision scenarios that they haven't previously considered.
With our Orange County divorce mediation attorney, both parties have a balance of power, which isn't the case with litigation.
Mediations allow you to resolve your disputes faster and in a more cost-effective manner than litigation. Both parties can resolve their disputes with the help of a mediator trained in law. Our divorce mediation lawyers are family law specialists who understand how family courts function in California.
To discuss your case, call the law office of Mr. Binoye Jos at (714) 733-7066 or send an email to jos@josfamilylaw.com and set up a complimentary consultation today.