Guide to the Lost Ark gold and the General Chaos Dungeon » S4 Network
by on 13. April 2022



The first paragraph is an introduction.

Following the completion of Level 50, the option to enter Chaos Dungeons becomes available. They are, along with Guardian Raids and Una's Tasks, some of the most important objectives to complete on a daily basis in the game. A place where you can put your skills to the test against an endless horde of monsters, elites, and bosses, all while being handsomely rewarded for your lost ark gold efforts!

1. The Bonus for a Good Night's Sleep

Every Chaos Dungeon that is skipped during the daily reset will add 10 points to your Rest Bonus bar. You can earn up to 100 points, and every 20 points earned earns you bonus loot for one run through the Chaos Dungeon. Only use this feature if you don't have enough time to complete this task on a daily basis. When it comes to Chaos Dungeons, the best strategy is to skip them for two days, accumulate 40 Rest Bonus, and then get double rewards on day three, only losing out on one day's worth of loot in the process. Otherwise, clear them out on a daily basis to maximize your profits!

2. Choosing a Continent 

Starting with North Vern, each successive major continent contains multiple levels of Chaos Dungeon entries, with the exception of the continent of Azeroth. The ability to face stronger opponents and gain more and better rewards will increase with each new continent that you unlock.

3. The Selection of a Level

You can choose which level you are eligible to enter based on your item level by going to this section. Always choose the highest level that is available to you because it will provide you with the most benefits.

4. Tier Indicates the level of the equipment and upgrade materials that can be obtained from the selected Chaos Dungeon.

5. Expected Rewards This section displays the potential rewards.

The discovery of an expensive Combat and Class Engraving Recipe, a Cube Ticket, or a Boss Rush Ticket in this area is always a welcome sight. The difficulty level of the Chaos Dungeon you're attempting determines the rarity of the items you find.

6. Restrictions on the use of

The only restrictions for Chaos Dungeons are the item level you must have achieved and a time limit of 5 minutes per stage you complete.

7. Aura of Resonance 

You are given 100 Aura of Resonance at the beginning of each day's reset, which is sufficient for two entries per day. With each entry, you'll consume 50 Aura and receive the full set of rewards. Monster kills provide exchangeable tokens instead of Aura if they are completed without the use of Aura. More information on this can be found further down the page under Endless Chaos Dungeons.

Matchmaking is number eight on the list.

In order to enter a Chaos Dungeon, you must do one of the following:

Entering the Dungeon immediately begins the adventure for you and your current party. Matchmaking places you in a queue and makes multiple attempts to find three teammates with whom to form a party and enter the Dungeon with. Locate a Choosing Party opens a new window that displays Looking for Member(LFM) posts for the currently selected content (if applicable). You can either request to be added to the group or create your own LFM post.

Gameplay of the Chaos Dungeon

Chaos Dungeons are comprised of three distinct floors, each of which must be completed within a five-minute time limit. Killing monsters fills a progress bar, and when the bar reaches 20 or 50% progress, a portal to the next floor is spawned. When you reach 100%, your run is complete, and you are awarded completion rewards.

The rewards do not change depending on how quickly you clear the area, so take your time and do it safely! If you die, you are not required to use Feathers of Resurrection because you are free to respawn at the nearest checkpoint. Regular Healing Potions should be used to heal up instead of Potions that restore your life instantly, as these should be reserved for Guardian Raids and Abyssal Dungeons, respectively. After you've defeated the 2nd floor boss, make sure there are no more Elites left alive. Proceed to the next floor as soon as possible, as remaining behind and killing additional monsters will increase your progress bar and reduce the amount of space you can clear on the third floor.

Buffs to the Core of the Elite and Rift

Making effective use of the buffs is critical to clearing Chaos Dungeons as quickly as possible. When dealing with large monster packs, use your AoE skills to clear them out, and kill Elites to recharge your cooldowns. Because of this, you are under no obligation to be conservative with your Awakening skill.

Taking a step over blue wind spheres results in a 40% increase in movement speed as well as an increase in health and energy recovery rate. A buff is awarded to players who kill elite enemies. This buff reduces the cooldown of cast skills by 40% (including Awakening) and grants a 200% increase in Energy Recovery Rate. All of your Cooldowns will be fully refreshed after killing the 2nd floor boss.

In exchange for destroying Rift Cores, you will receive a buff that increases attack speed by 40% and reduces the cooldown of skills by 40%.

Endless Chaos Dungeon is a dungeon that can be explored indefinitely.

Chaos Dungeons can be completed without the use of an Aura of Resonance, but the majority of the rewards are no longer available. Instead of gold, you will receive Perception Shards and Disorder Crystals for killing monsters. These tokens can be exchanged for various upgrade materials and accessories at Magick Scholar Jeneca, who can be found near the Chaos Dungeon entrance. However, there is a weekly purchase limit for these items.

Clearing floors 1 and 2, then checking to see if a bonus portal appears, is the most efficient method. However, if it doesn't, exit the dungeon by clicking on the top left corner of your screen and re-enter Lost Ark Gold store . Repeat this process until you're satisfied with the amount of materials you've farmed. It should be noted that items such as Accessories and Harmony Leap Stones can still be dropped, albeit at a significantly reduced rate.

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